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Get Paid to Write for Smoke Cartel Magazine

Smoke Cartel Magazine's primary goal is to deliver the highest quality content to the Smoke Cartel community. We’d be honored to have you share your product reviews, breaking news, educational musings, topics impacting the cannabis industry, experiences at a recent cannabis event and other information of interest to our readers.

Of course, we wouldn't think of asking for your stellar intellect and creative content for free. As a new guest contributor, you'll be paid $0.10 per word ($50 for 500 words, $100 for 1,000 words) for anything that comes out of that beautiful noggin of yours. Read on to find out how. 

Getting Started

This guideline will provide you with everything you need to know to get started on submitting to Smoke Cartel Magazine. Send a short pitch (2-3 sentences) to hello@smokecartel.com on your topic and an outline of how the piece will flow. Experienced writers are preferred; send URLs to examples of your work.

Please carefully consider articles already published on our site, and please know that we don't publish repeat topics. All articles will be subject to editing for length and adherence to AP Style


What Type of Articles Are We Looking For?

We publish articles for smoking enthusiasts who want to be entertained and educated by those with experience and expertise. Please keep pitches specific; you don't have to try to explain the entire history of cannabis in one post! Smoke Cartel magazine is organized into the following sections:

  • News (500-750 words): The latest and greatest in the cannabis world, including legal updates, scientific breakthroughs, political momentum and hyperlocal progress. Did your city just decriminalize simple possession? Is there a political candidate in your district or state working for cannabis justice who deserves a profile?
  • Culture (500-750 words): What's the latest and greatest the cannabis world? Which celebrities are sympathetic to the cause? Let us know about new music, fashion, art and other ganja-related endeavors. 
  • Product Reviews (500-750 words): Love your new rig? Have a critique of a particular pipe? Tell us why!
  • Personal Stories (750-1000 words): Have a tale about how medical cannabis has helped you or a loved one? Were you inspired by cannabis injustice to become an activist? Has a Smoke Cartel product changed your life for the better?
  • Knowledge Base (750-1000 words): Can you explain how to dab to a novice? Care to share your glass-cleaning tips? Take us on a deep dive into a piece of equipment, process or historical topic. Experts only!


What's Next?

After your outline is approved and you're ready to sit down for a writing session, please ensure that: 

  • The article is an original piece of work for Smoke Cartel Magazine and not previously published elsewhere.
  • You are open to feedback from our experienced, professional editors and are prepared to develop your first draft into a final, polished piece.
  • You are prepared to meet the deadline agreement set by your editor.
  • You help promote your article by sharing on your social media channels and telling your friends!

Send submissions to hello@smokecartel.com; please allow 2-3 weeks for a response. Looking forward to seeing your ideas!

The Best Online Headshop

Smoke Cartel is a small passionate team (based in Savannah, GA) dedicated to helping you find premium glass bongs, glass rigs and hand pipes of all stripes, vaporizers, dab pens and other cool counterculture tools. From hemp goods to herb grinders, travel pouches to butane torch lighters, we have the gear to make the perfect smoking experience!

Winner of the High Times Cup Best Glass Award and featured on Forbes, Leafly and Weedmaps, we are dedicated to bringing quality accessories to satisfied customers! We are available anywhere, 24 hours a day, with the best smoking gear available.

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We've Been Featured On

Smoke Cartel featured on Forbes & High Times Magazine

Smoke Cartel featured on Leafly

Smoke Cartel featured on Weedmaps