Wholesale Rolling Papers & Supplies
Rolling papers, trays, tips, blunt wraps, etc, can be found pretty much anywhere. This makes it all the more important that your selection be plentiful and current. The good news for everybody involved is that most products in this category are dirt cheap.
There is also a ton of variety, both in simply the stylization of the products themselves and the actual material from which they are made.
For instance, the gas station down the street may have rolling papers, but they probably don't have organic rice papers or a rolling tray with somebody's ass on it. This category may seem insignificant, but having a wide variety of rolling supplies can provide customers the assurance that you have a steady grasp of the market in a way that demands little risk from you.
Not a wholesale customer? Shop rolling papers and accessories on our retail site.
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Bulk Deal - $2.00 per unit
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Bulk Deal - $0.07 per unit
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Bulk Deal - $1.49 per unit
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Bulk Deal - $1.97 per unit
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