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SSL Secured - We Take Security Seriously

At Smoke Cartel, we tend to take user security very seriously.  We know the world of online shopping can be daunting, but when shopping with us, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing you're browsing our secure SSL (https) platform.

What makes this website secure?

SmokeCartel.com is secured not only internally, but also by third party clients.


What is SSL security?

Our website uses SSL security from start to finish. You may have noticed from that lock icon near our address in the url bar. That means your browser has detected that you are browsing our SSL secure online headshop.

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. All data passed between the web server (us) and browsers (you) remain private and encrypted.

From the moment you landed on our site, to the moment you checkout, every interaction is encrypted and private.


How does SSL security work?

SSL certificates are issued by a certificate authority. This certificate authority will issue a certificate after it has confirmed the identity of the company applying for the certificate (that's us Smoke Cartel). These certificates are embedded in what is known as the 'certificate store' in popular internet browsers such as Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer.

The Best Online Headshop

Smoke Cartel is a small passionate team (based in Savannah, GA) dedicated to helping you find premium glass bongs, glass rigs and hand pipes of all stripes, vaporizers, dab pens and other cool counterculture tools. From hemp goods to herb grinders, travel pouches to butane torch lighters, we have the gear to make the perfect smoking experience!

Winner of the High Times Cup Best Glass Award and featured on Forbes, Leafly and Weedmaps, we are dedicated to bringing quality accessories to satisfied customers! We are available anywhere, 24 hours a day, with the best smoking gear available.

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We've Been Featured On

Smoke Cartel featured on Forbes & High Times Magazine

Smoke Cartel featured on Leafly

Smoke Cartel featured on Weedmaps