The Complete Electric Dab Rig Buyer's Guide
Not sold yet? Let’s go through all the possible ways you could go mess up while dabbing.
You could drop your rig bringing it over to the table. You could manage to get your rig on the table, then knock it over with your elbow because a guy you screwed out of 10 million dollars pulled up outside your house in a Hummer. You could heat the nail unevenly and to a random temperature you have no way of knowing but through guesswork. You could finish heating up the nail, then turn to say, “Here you go, it’s ready," forget to turn the torch off, and incinerate your friend's eyeball.
I mean, the list goes on and on. Another list that goes on and on is our list of E-Rigs recommendations. Check it out below, so none of those horrible situations happen to you.

Best Value Electric Dab Rig
Now available in the new and improved Version 2!
Temperature setting upgraded from 3 to 4 options. Faster heating time and more precise temperature control system.A smarter and more reliable power management system has been added which supports a longer battery life ( supports more than 50 cycles).A protection system has been added so the device will start the auto-shutoff protection program in case of a short-circuit or over-heat. Inserts increased to a higher capacity for bigger dabs.Do you think you have a guardian angel? Someone watching over you, catching you just before you stumble, and cheering you on when you succeed?
15 Sec
Heat Up Time30 Seconds
Sesh Mode4
Temperature SettingsNichrome
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Best Induction Heating E-Rig
The daab by Ispire is a sleek induction-heated handheld e rig that's perfect for on the go use. It measures 9.75" x 3.5" 2.25" and weighs just over a pound so it fits right in your backpack or bag for easy travel.
250°F - 800°F
Temperature Range9.75" x 3.5" 2.25"
SizeMade for
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