Smoke Cartel Still Supports Black Lives Matter - Smoke Cartel

Smoke Cartel Still Supports Black Lives Matter

Posted by Steve Forman on

How can one company make a difference in changing centuries of systemic racism that permeates all aspects of our daily life, including criminal justice, education, health care, housing, job opportunities, small business development, entertainment, sports, communication, and on and on and on.

We are a small company based in Savannah, GA.  We have young, talented teammates who want to make a difference.  We have thousands of customers who buy our products across the country and around the world who want to make a difference.  We have suppliers and investors who believe in our company and hopefully will also want to make a difference.  One small company touches lots of people.  There are lots of small companies like ours, who need to get on board and work to change the problems in society that arise from systemic racism.  

Back in June, the murder of George Floyd touched the nation and the world because the video was so real, so chilling and unfortunately, so common.  

Now it is August and the murder of black men and women by police continues.  WHY!  If I were a police officer risking my life everyday for the community I serve I would be LIVID that other police officers continue to murder people of color.  This isn’t about some bad apples.  This is about an entire system of racism in which those with power abuse those without power.  This cannot continue in our country.  We should be better than this.  In your heart, you know that Black Lives Matter and this has to change.

The work will take time and planning and dedication and vision.  We strongly believe that to make change permanent in this country, the rights of the people need to rule.  Get out and VOTE!  Change happens locally.  Vote for town meeting representatives, mayors, state representatives, governors and any other local representatives that share your views on change in society.  Fill out your census form.  Let the federal government know that you are there and want to be heard.

Smoke Cartel supports Black Lives Matter as an agent of change.  We support the legalization of cannabis throughout the United States.  We support criminal justice reform in which police serve and protect the people, and the criminal justice system provides liberty and justice for all.

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